About Us

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It’s a big, wide, wild world out there…

… get out there and explore it! Our amazing planet is home to infinite spaces and places, an endless diversity of people, and an eternal wild side. We only get one shot at exploring this world of ours, and we owe it to ourselves to discover as much as possible during our short visits here.biking1

We created this blog to share our experiences and to serve as a rough guide on low-cost, high-experience travel. We’re not providing a definitive guide on the places we travel to (there are plenty of other sources for that), but rather sharing some of our knowledge and experiences based on the places we’ve been to and the way we travel. It’s intended to entertain, inform, and inspire. Whether you’re an armchair traveler, currently on the road, or a future traveler seeking unique experiences for little money, there’s a little of something for everyone.

What exactly do we mean by low-cost? We’ve undertaken most of our travels as students with either no jobs or low-paying temporary and part-time jobs. We still make it work and have a great time doing it!

What do we mean by high-experience? Anybody can go on an all inclusive vacation or book a tour to see the Eiffel Tower. We leave that stuff to the travel agents and guide books. Instead, we try to go where few travelers have gone before, immerse ourselves with locals, do things we never thought we’d do, and eat the freakiest things we can find. Sure, we follow the ‘tourist trail’ from time to time- sometimes it’s impossible not to and there’s no shame in it. But our primary goal is to get off that trail as much as we can.

Whether you’re a lone wolf wanderer, a group of friends, or a doting couple who are brave enough to test your relationship limits, we encourage you to get out there, get off the beaten trail, and experience what our big, wide, wild world has to offer!

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